RSS Feeds

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is another way to find out what's happening on the Sioban Coppinger website. We provide several RSS feeds that allow you to track various aspects of the website:

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    News & Events Feed

    The latest news and events from artist Sioban Coppinger.

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    Latest Works Feed

    The latest works uploaded to the website.

To subscribe to these RSS Feeds you can either follow the RSS link for automatic inclusion, or manually cut and paste the URL into your feed reader.

  • … father of the artist under duress! (Click to enlarge)
  • ... studies of a poodle-bush...  (Click to enlarge)
  • ... Amy ...  (Click to enlarge)
  • Flappa Duck  … always in a flibberty dither …                        (Click to enlarge)
  • ... the rooks are so mysterious ...  (Click to enlarge)
  • ...  a study of an old friend who lived by the river ...     (Click to enlarge)