A maternal bird ... Photo by Richard Greenly  (Click to enlarge)



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... a maternal bird, Inspired by Diane Arbus ...

The pregnant egret is in fact a heron. The bird names were swapped in favour of the alliterative sound.

She was first devised whilst working in a studio in London, and followed a vein of bird-headed work I had been pursuing at college. These ideas had initially come from dreams, but this piece was particularly influenced by a strange and powerful set of photographs by an American photographer, Diane Arbus.

The PREGNANT EGRET has taken on her own life though, she has a tenderness that is not apparent on first meeting.

I could see her on a monumental scale as a peaceful and thought-provoking piece.


Location: Indoor

Size: Small

Dimensions: 7cm x 10cm x 26cm H [32cm H Inc Base]

Medium: Bronze

Edition size: Edition of 10

Collection: Artist's Collection

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