... study of the face of the moon ...  (Click to enlarge)

MOON MASK IV (Crescent Moon) `C`


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Study of the face of the moon - in his different phases.

Cast in the Artist's Studio.

First modelled, from life, towards the end of college days, the moon has been an enduring motif.

The Moon has a fundamental effect on our lives on a daily basis. Tides, winds, moods, menstruation, and even how and when to plant are amongst the many ways.

This, combined with the anthropomorphic arrangement of the lakes and land masses that we see from our position on the earth, makes it seem that there is a face looking benignly down on us.

Is it nature's power embodied? ... or merely symbolised? Is it a genuine force, or just a reminder of our own scale?

Or is it just mesmerically beautiful?

The piece is cast into bronze, and then each phase is silver plated according to its position in the cycle.


Location: Indoor

Size: Small

Dimensions: 13cm Diam x 4cm deep

Medium: Bronze & Silver Plate

Edition size: Edition of 10

Collection: Private & Artist's Collection

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