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Study of the face of the moon - in his different phases.
Cast in the Artist's Studio.
Modelled from life soon after leaving Art School - as homage to a sympathetic planet. Sioban has always felt a particular fondness for this piece and so has adopted it as her symbol.
The Moon has a fundamental effect on our lives on a daily basis. Tides, winds, moods, menstruation, and even how and when to plant are amongst the many ways.
The piece developed into a series using silver with bronze to create the effect of four stages of the moon. If you look closely you can see the face of the man in the moon - and in this - the HALFMOON MASK you can also spot his profile picked out in silver.
The Full Moon mask is completely silver plated; with both the Waning and Waxing Moons have their coronas drawn in silver.
The Moon Mask has also been cast into glass. Seen with a light carefully positioned behind - it is breathtaking.
Location: Indoor
Size: Small
Dimensions: 13cm Diam x 4cm Deep
Medium: Bronze & Silver Plate
Edition size: Edition of 10
Collection: Private & Artist`s Collection
Works in this period (1977 - 1983):
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