BOWLED OVER - Sterling Silver Vessel - made of hand prints



… a vessel full of presence …

BOWLED OVER was designed as a collaboration with a man who after 25 years of marriage was even more in love with his wife, and wanted something memorable to mark the date.

The commissioner and artist put their heads together and came up with the idea of a vessel made of the couple’s hand prints … however piece was to be a surprise for his wife!

It was not difficult to take the impressions of the man’s hands … if a slightly unusual thing to do at a motorway services café … but a bit trickier to obtain the hand prints of a woman’s hands … who was to know nothing of the project …

But Sioban devised a way … the impressions were taken … the vessel created … and cast at the Muse. The lovely lady came to forgive Sioban for the subterfuge, and both were delighted to have a way describe the closeness they had experienced during their 25 years of marriage.


This piece was commissioned.

Location: Indoor

Size: Small

Dimensions: Approx: 20 cm diam x 10 cm high

Medium: Sterling Silver

Collection: Tim and Robyn Jones

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